Local Evangelism Project

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Instructions and resource materials for developing your own local evangelism program for your church

I. Program Involvement

II. Program Involvement - Application

Planning and Preparation to Put Program into Action

III. Leadership - Developing the Proper Team

IV. Responsibilities Within the Congregation

V. Local Workshop - Work Together More Effectively

Goal 1: Local Evangelism

Three things that do not work:
  1. Churches that develop localitis--becoming an individual work.
  2. Local advertisement:
    • Expensive
    • Local funds will not allow.
    • Long history of not producing fruit.
  3. Not having close contact with and help from the Headquarters Office.
Three things that will work:

  1. Mail a quarterly letter when we are to have a guest speaker. Include monthly calendar of events, activities, Bible studies, new booklets.
  2. Invite guest speakers of the ICG for special occasions; for example, special Holy Day meetings, local workshops, etc.
  3. Bring them up to date on new booklets or a special taped sermon from Tyler.
The goal is to effectively reach those who have responded in the past. This will hopefully help increase attendance or visits of these individuals. The result is increased laborers to the work; increased numbers in the congregations.

Interesting point: This program is responding to people that God has already called rather than us taking action to "call' them.

We need to remember that most new responders are not yet converted. The importance of "the work" and the end time message of warning will not yet have the same effect or importance in their lives as ours. The ongoing outreach over the 18 month program will continue with specifics that made them responsive in the first place. This follow-up will also introduce them to an ongoing active work of the church that is within their grasp to attend. People need to feel they are part of something. New potential members need to "see" an ongoing, positive and effective work. The ongoing letters will fill that need. It will also make them less timid over time to attend.

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Note: No information, procedures or instructions in the Resource section are to be considered as church policy or directives. The Resource section offers suggestions and information to aid you in your own decision making process.