General Food Disclaimer

This is a specific disclaimer for all recipes and all recipe pages we provide for this section called, "Unleavened Bread Recipes...for the Days of Unleavened Bread" located here.

This specific disclaimer is for all pages of this section:.

This section, these pages and the recipes found throughout are for your information only. They are in no way required for the keeping of the Days of Unleavened Bread. Members are very free to use any recipe they feel is appropriate to these days..

Neither the Intercontinental Church of God, the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association or any of its ministers, local churches or employees are responsible for these recipes in any way. The member and/or visitor to this section must make up their own minds as to the value and appropriateness of each ingredient and each recipe found in this section. We offer them only for your information and to aid you in your own research and decision-making on the subject..

Notice: If you find that any recipe does not work or is posted in the wrong classification, contact us.

Intercontinental Church of God
Tyler, Texas