Local Evangelism Project

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Instructions and resource materials for developing your own local evangelism program for your church

I. Program Involvement

II. Program Involvement - Application

Planning and Preparation to Put Program into Action

III. Leadership - Developing the Proper Team

IV. Responsibilities Within the Congregation

V. Local Workshop - Work Together More Effectively

Financing Program

  • Determine status of local church finances.
  • Set up a plan to save and/or set aside money to finance the program, i.e. pay for the visiting speakers transportation and lodging, meals, etc. Also budget for the postage and mailing costs.
  • With added tithing membership, the income to the local church will increase making budget considerations easier. A successful program will fund itself.

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Note: No information, procedures or instructions in the Resource section are to be considered as church policy or directives. The Resource section offers suggestions and information to aid you in your own decision making process.