Survey of Doctrine: Topic: Sin/degeneration

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The main thrust of the discussion on sin in this doctrine is the fact there is not necessarily a one-to-one relationship between sickness and sin. Sickness can be caused by a number of different things. Generally the greatest causes are:
  1. a polluted environment [air, water, food, earth].
  2. our disregard for obvious physical principles of health [nutrition, sleep, exercise].
  3. inherited illnesses and diseases.
  4. injury and accident.
The act of healing takes place when we are made whole from the result of these above-listed factors. If and when sin is involved and as a separate act that is in addition to the miracle of healing, we are forgiven our sins. It is not always possible to determine if a current illness is the result of sin.

Conclusion: Key points:
  • Mankind has polluted the planet in its soil, water, air and food. Sickness is a result.
  • Not all sickness is the result of sin.
  • It is not always easy to determine if a current sickness is the result of sin.
  • If and when sin is involved and as a separate act that is in addition to the miracle of healing, we are forgiven our sins.
  • The Bible no where speaks of physical sin. Sin comes under ethical, moral or mental categories.
  • Jesus' healing demonstrated to the world was His power to forgive sin, and, ultimately, to resurrect the body from the dead.