The Intercontinental Church of God

Survey of Doctrine: Topic: Meaning of the word

Survey of Doctrine: Topic: Meaning of the word

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There are a number of words and concepts related to this subject of healing. Immediately we see that God's healing goes far beyond the healing of physical, human bodies. He can heal minds, emotions, marriages, relationships, churches, congregations, nations, leaders, the earth, water, faithlessness, backsliding and sin-sick souls. God can heal pets and animals. He can heal objects, such as cars and computers.

The words used [there are several] refer to more than just healing by God. They refer to what man can do for himself, to natural bodily processes [the ability of the human body to heal itself] and even to medicines used to aid the body in being back to good health.

These words refer to a number of spiritual concepts, such as salvation and the resurrection.

Conclusion: Key points: