The Intercontinental Church of God

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Unleavened Bread recipes

King Ranch Chicken

4 lb chicken, cooked, deboned and diced
4 t chicken stock
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 C chopped onion
3/4 lb grated cheese
12 corn tortillas
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 C chopped green pepper
16 oz can whole tomatoes
Line bottom and sides of greased 3 quart casserole pan with layer of tortillas. Sprinkle 2 teaspoon of chicken stock over tortillas. Make a layer with cream or mushroom soup, half the chicken, onions and peppers. Cover with another layer of tortillas, sprinkle remaining stock on top, and make a layer of cream of chicken soup, the rest of the chicken, onions and peppers. Top with tomatoes, cover with grated cheese. Bake 350� for 45 minutes.

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