Intercontinental Church of God Correspondence Course - Lesson Twenty-nine of Bible Correspondence--Answers

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Lesson Twenty-nine 
Ministry of the Church

This table shows the correct answers to the questions for Lesson 29.  The questions are generated from the doctrine on Ministry of the Church.  To check the text of the doctrine for each question and answer, go to the Check Text Page.

1] The Intercontinental Church of God provides an ordained ministry in accordance with the example and procedures of the early Church as outlined in the New Testament.  True or False?  (True)

2] Which items apply?  Ministers are...

a. elders in the faith
b. ordained by God
c. give spiritual guidance
d. give leadership to the local congregations
e. act as servants of God
f. spread the gospel
g. all of the above                 (g)

3] God, through Christ, entrusts the ministry with the...

a. responsibility of governing the church
b. serving the spiritual needs of its members
c. preaching the gospel to the world
d. all of the above                                       (d)

4] A minister's primary responsibility is to minister to the spiritual needs of his congregation.  True or False?  (True)

5] Which of the following items apply?  How does a minister build a congregation that is committed and dedicated to the preaching of the gospel and who look forward to the Kingdom of God?

a. by preaching
b. by teaching
c. by giving encouragement to those in trials
d. by offering advice and counsel in areas of his professional competence
e. by performing religious ceremonies (including funerals and marriages)
f. all of the above                (f)

6] The Church recognizes that a minister's personal example is one of his strongest and most effective methods of cultivating the growth of true Christianity in the local church.  True or False?  (True)

7] The shining light of his own spiritual life will be the minister's greatest tool for constructing God's spiritual temple which is the Church.  True or False  (True)

8] Which of the following items does NOT apply?  A minister...

a. will deal in a positive, helpful, encouraging and loving manner with his congregation
b. polices the life of the member
c. dictates the members faith
d. is a helper in the member's joy
e. lords it over the member's life                 (b, c and e do not apply)

9] A minister is the intercessor between the member and God.  True or False?   (False)

10] A minister is one who helps build the Christian's own personal relationship with his Creator.  True or False?  (True)

11] When circumstances demand, the minister must fulfill his responsibility by administering spiritual discipline.  True or False?  (True)

12] Which of the following items apply?  A minister's responsibilities include:

a. to serve the nonbelievers as well as the believer
b. to serve both the physically and spiritually needy
c. aiding the community during a local disaster or emergency
d. to bestow encouragement and compassion to lonely and forgotten widows, orphans, indigent and ill persons.
e. all of the above      (e)

13] Though an effective minister will be sensitive to the needs of all humanity, he will always save his greatest efforts and energies for his own congregation.  True or False?  (True)

14] The ministry of the church is chosen by...

a. the CEO of the corporate organization
b. the Board of the church
c. by recommendation of the ministry and by their majority vote
d. by God                                                     (d)

15] God indicates whom He desires to become His spiritual servant by causing the person's life to express the fruits associated with the ministry.  True or False?   (True)

16] The New Testament gives no indication as to how a church is to be governed.  True or False?  (False, see 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4)

17] The qualifications for deacon and deaconess are outlined in...

a. 1 Timothy 2:8-13
b. 1 Timothy 3:8-13
c. 2 Timothy 2:8-13
d. 2 Timothy 3:8-13                       (b)

18] The basic responsibility of the deacon and deaconess is to serve the physical needs of the congregations so the ministers may attend to more pressing spiritual needs.  True or False?  (True)

19] Deacons and deaconesses are to be people of faith and full of the Holy Spirit.  True or False?  (True)

20]  Jesus said, "whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister (servant); and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant (slave)."  True or False?  (True)

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