Specific Bible Studies - Jesus Part 3 J

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PART 3-----ITEM J-----The Time of Day of the Crucifixion-----From Internet Source:

Excerpt from paper (Internet site now gone).

The Time of Day

We have now seen that the day of Jesus' crucifixion was on Wednesday, and his resurrection was on Saturday, but does the Bible also tell us the time of day that it occurred? Let's take a look.

"And about the ninth hour (3 p.m.) Jesus cried with a loud voice.... Jesus, when he cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost." (Matt 27:46-50 also Mark 15:34-37 and Luke 23:32 ).

Hence Jesus died shortly after 3 p.m. and was buried before sunset [even] because of the preparation day, he was buried late in the day, which means he rose late in the day.

There should be no doubt that Jesus was not crucified on a Friday and rose Sunday morning, but the truth of the matter is that he was crucified on a Wednesday and rose on Saturday late in the afternoon in the year 31 AD truly becoming our Passover sacrifice.

One last note here, in Daniel's prophecy of the seventy weeks, Jesus was to be cut of in the middle of the week. This prophecy speaks of his being cut off three and a half years into his ministry, yet it is significant that he was also cut off literally in the middle of a week.

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