The Intercontinental Church of God

Intercontinental Church of God Correspondence Course - Lesson Ten of Bible Course--Answers

Intercontinental Church of God Correspondence Course - Lesson Ten of Bible Course--Answers

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Lesson Ten - Annual Holy Days - Answers

This table shows the correct answers to the questions for Lesson 10.  The questions are generated from the doctrine on Annual Holy Days.  To check the text of the doctrine for each question and answer, go to the Check Text Page.

Doctrinal Overview

1] The primary purpose of the Holy Days are:

a) to afford the church more opportunity for fellowship.
b) test our obedience to God.
c) to reveal the Plan of God.          (c)

2] The Holy Days fulfill the spiritual objective of being holy convocations for the church today.  True or False?   (True)

3] Complete this sentence: The Passover represents the sacrifice of __________.  (Christ)

4] The bread we take at Passover represents the _______of Christ.  The wine represents His ____.
(body, blood)

5] The Feast of Unleavened Bread is symbolic of:

a) putting sin out of our lives.
b) Christ.
c) the entire Salvation Process.
d) practicing a new Godly way of life.
e) all of the above.        (e)

6] Pentecost pictures:

a) the foundation of the New Testament church.
b) the sending of the Holy Spirit for the individual.
c) both.
d) neither.            (c)

Doctrinal Exposition

7] The first clear reference to the annual festival days is found in:

a) Exodus 10
b) Leviticus 23
c) Exodus 12
d) Leviticus 26        (c)

8] The most complete description of the annual Holy Days is found in:

a) Exodus 12
b) Exodus 23
c) Leviticus 23
d) Leviticus 26           (c)

9] Which of the following are true of the Days of Unleavened Bread:

a) 7 days long.
b) member eats no leavened products.
c) no leavened products are to be found in the home.
d) includes two Holy Days.
e) all of the above.
f) a, b and d only.           (e)

10] Pentecost is the only day which is determined by counting 50 days beginning with:

a) the Sabbath.
b) the day after the Sabbath.
c) the Monday after the Sabbath.     (b)

11] In counting Pentecost, to determine which day is the Holy Day, we count 7 Sabbaths beginning with the day after the Sabbath during the Days of Unleavened Bread.  We count from:

a) a Saturday to a Saturday.
b) a Sunday to a Sunday.
c) a Monday to a Monday.            (b)

12] Hence the Day of Pentecost is always on a:

a) Monday
b) Saturday
c) Friday
d) Sunday        (d)

Old Testament Examples and History

13] There are no specific examples of the Holy Days being kept in the Old Testament times (Joshua-Malachi).  True or False?    (False)

14] Which of the following statements are false regarding new moons:

a) they were used to mark the beginning of a new month.
b) were held in a special regard.
c) were Holy convocations.
d) sacrifices were offered.
e) were not especially used to determine new months after early centuries A. D.     (c)

Holy Days in the New Testament

15] The primary reason one does not see extensive discourse in the New Testament on the Holy Days is because everyone was keeping them.  True or False?   (True)

16] Jesus never actually kept any of the Holy Days while He was on earth.  True or False?  (False)

17] Which of the following are true statements about Jesus:

a) betrayed during the Passover [Lord's Supper].
b) scripture records Him keeping at least 3 Passovers.
c) keeps the Feast of Tabernacles.      (all are true)

18] On what Holy Day did the New Testament church begin?   (Pentecost)

19] The imperative to keep the Holy Days is far greater now than ever.  True or False?  (True)

20] The drinking of the wine and eating of the bread at Passover (Lord's Supper) represents:

a) partaking the Law of God into our minds.
b) partaking Grace into our hearts.
c) partaking of eternal life into us.              (c)

21] The purpose of the footwashing service is to show:

a) piety and righteousness.
b) humility and service.
c) repentance and forgiveness            (b)

22] The Passover represents Christ sacrifice.  This sacrifice was:

a) for a chosen few.
b) the 144,000.
c) the whole world.               (c)

23] According to 1 Cor. 10:1-2, the crossing of the Red Sea is symbolic of ________[what?]

24] The children of Israel crossed the Red Sea during what Holy Day season? 
(Days of Unleavened Bread)

25] According to some commentaries and Jewish tradition...

a) Israel crossed the Red Sea on the last Holy Day of the Days of Unleavened Bread.
b) The Law was given at Mt. Sinai on the Day of Pentecost.
True or False?     (True)

26] Trumpets symbolizes:

a) the return of Christ.
b) the spread of the gospel.
c) the first resurrection.
d) important judgment time for mankind.
e) answer "a" only.
f) all of the above.                  (f)


27] What day symbolizes the putting away of Satan for 1,000 years?  (Atonement)

28] The Atonement Azazel goat represents:

a) Christ
b) Satan
c) sin
d) all of the above              (b)

29] The Feast of Tabernacles pictures:

a) the life of Jesus Christ on earth.
b) the putting away of Satan for 1,000 years.
c) the millennial reign of Christ.
d) the first resurrection.                (c)

30] The Last Great Day represents a time when all who lived but never truly knew Christ will be resurrected.  True or False?  (True)

31] The Second Resurrection, in which billions will be brought back to life represents...

a) their second chance at Salvation.
b) their first and only chance at Salvation.
c) a first chance for some and a second chance for others.       (b)

32] The Last Great Day also pictures eternity after the time of the Second Resurrection.  True or False?  (True)

Observance in the Church of God

33] God commands that we bring a Holy Day offering before Him on each of the Holy Days.  Where in scripture do we find this:

a) Matthew 24
b) Revelation 20
c) Deuteronomy 16
d) Isaiah 40                     (c)

34] On which of the Holy Days are we to keep a complete fast (no food or water) for 24 full hours?


35] The Feast of Tabernacles will be kept in the Millennium.  Where do we read this in the Old Testament?

a) Leviticus 23
b) Joshua 13
c) Zechariah 14
d) Isaiah 53                 (c)

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