The Intercontinental Church of God

Intercontinental Church of God Correspondence Course - Lesson Fifteen of Bible Course--Answers

Intercontinental Church of God Correspondence Course - Lesson Fifteen of Bible Course--Answers

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Lesson Fifteen - Laying on of Hands

This table shows the correct answers to the questions for Lesson 15.  The questions are generated from the doctrine on Laying on of Hands.  To check the text of the doctrine for each question and answer, go to the Check Text Page.

1) The laying on of hands ceremony is performed by _____________ [whom?].  (the ministry)

2) The laying on of hands ceremony is used ...

a) for the receiving of the Holy Spirit at baptism.
b) for ordination
c) to convey a spiritual gift
d) to convey a blessing
e) to convey service
f) to symbolize one's submission to God
g) all of the above                                   (g)

3) Laying on of hands was never used in the Old Testament.  True or False?   (False)

4) Which verse establishes laying on of hands as a fundamental doctrine of the church?

a) Matthew 6:2
b) Hebrews 6:2
c) Genesis 6:2
d) Leviticus 6:2                    (b)

5) The laying on of hands ceremony is usually accompanied by a prayer that delineates the nature of the spiritual blessing.  True or False?  (True)

6) The ceremony shows that a person is being acknowledged as qualified for a particular task or blessing.  True or False?    (True)

7) For the most part, this is a private ceremony performed behind closed doors.  True or False?  (False)

8) This ceremony is used by God in administering church government.  True or False?  (True)

9) When a minister lays his hands upon a person, he does so...

a) as an agent or representative of God
b) fulfilling a position of spiritual authority in the church
c) both                                               (c)

10) One who submits to this ceremony during ordination, after baptism, during anointing for healing or any other special circumstances is acknowledging the authority God has placed in the church and ministry and shows submission to this authority.  True or False?    (True)

11) Continuing from question 10, this authority one submits to in this ceremony is...

a) the minister's authority
b) the church's authority
c) God's authority
d) all of the above                      (c, God empowers the church and ministry with authority, but the authority remains His)

12) In the laying on of hands ceremony the minister...

a) is an agent on his own authority
b) administers his own authority
c) confers spiritual gifts within himself to the one receiving the laying on of hands
d) only symbolizes what God confers                           (d)

13) What is true about a minister who performs this ceremony?

a) he is to be obeyed without question
b) he is without sin
c) he is fallible and imperfect
d) he is a servant of the congregation and of God                    (c and d)

14) After baptism, through the laying on of hands, a person is set apart as a begotten son of God.  True or False?  (True)

15) When a member of the church is ordained to elder, deacon or deaconess, he or she...

a) is put into a position of authority and responsibility
b) is now a human instrument of God's government
c) has learned how to serve
d) is faithful to God's authority
e) all of the above                                     (e)

16) The laying on of hands is used for what situations?

a) in anointing the sick
b) in the blessing of little children
c) in ordination
d) in the marriage ceremony
e) in baptism
f) to convey blessings and spiritual gifts
g) all of the above                                          (g)

17) The laying of hands is a simple but deeply symbolic ceremony which...

a) has special application in special circumstances (as listed in question 16)
b) is of critical importance to Christianity
c) shows that God works and deals with mankind
d) that God uses humans in His work and plan though they are fallible and imperfect
e) all the above                (e)

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