The Intercontinental Church of God

Intercontinental Church of God Correspondence Course - Lesson Eleven of Bible Course--Answers

Intercontinental Church of God Correspondence Course - Lesson Eleven of Bible Course--Answers

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Lesson Eleven - Salvation

This table shows the correct answers to the questions for Lesson 11.  The questions are generated from the doctrine on Salvation.  To check the text of the doctrine for each question and answer, go to the Check Text Page.

1) Which of the following best completes this sentence:  "Salvation is the means by which God, through Christ..."

a) frees mankind from the Law.
b) confirms individuals to His Kingdom from the moment the process begins.
c) saves man from the penalty of sin and gives him eternal life.
d) saves man unconditionally.
e) all of the above.
f) none of the above.          (c)

2) The Salvation Process includes which of the following:

a) one's calling.
b) repentance.
c) baptism
d) justification.
e) receiving of the Holy Spirit.
f) a life of faith and obedience.
g) final birth as a spirit being into the Kingdom of God.
h) All of the above.
i) None of the above.
j) All, except f.
k) All, except d and f.                    (h)

3) Which of the following are false:

a) There is no difference between Salvation and Reward.
b) Works are not required in the Salvation Process.
c) I must earn  my way into the Salvation Process by being good before my calling by God.
d) The Salvation Process is free, but I must do works for my ultimate reward.
e) All are false.
f) None are false.
g) a, b and c are false.
h) a, c and d are false.                (g)

4) Which of the following best completes this sentence:  "The goal of every Christian is to be saved from..."

a) the death penalty of sin.
b) the Law.
c) works
d) the ways of this world.        (a)

5) Which of the following best completes this sentence, "The other goal of every Christian is to receive..."

a) freedom
b) riches or prosperity and good health
c) the gift of eternal life.              (c)

6) The ultimate purpose of life and the reason mankind was created was______________ [what?]

a) love
b) to go to heaven
c) to become as the angels
d) salvation                             (d)

7) In whose image was man created?  (God's)

8) The ultimate destiny of mankind is to become spirit beings...where?

a) a little lower than angels.
b) equal to the angels.
c) in the very Family of God.           (c)

9) The Salvation Process is initiated by...

a) repentance
b) calling
c) baptism
d) receiving the Holy Spirit
e) all of the above                     (b)

10) Godly calling begins or is accomplished when...

a) I open my mind to receive Christ.
b) when I accept the sacrifice of Christ.
c) when God opens my mind to His truth.         (c)

11) One responds to the realization of God's truth by...

a) believing it.
b) committing oneself to it.
c) by acting upon it.
d) All of the above.
e) a and b only.                     (d)

12) When we respond to God's calling the next step (a miracle of God) is ________ [what?]

13) In repentance we come to see that we have sinned and broken God's Law.  True or False?

14) Using 2 Corinthians 7:10 as your guide, complete the following:

a) Godly sorrow worketh repentance to __________ [what?]       
b) Worldly sorrow worketh _________ [what?]      a) salvation   b) death

15) With God's forgiveness and my determination and will, I can change from sin to obedience. 
True or False?      (False - one need's God's strength)

16) _______________ is a type of Christ's death, burial and resurrection.  It symbolizes the death and burial of one's old sinful way of life.  It symbolizes the beginning of a totally new spirit-led life.

17) Which of the following is true of baptism:

a) it can be performed on infants.
b) it can be performed by sprinkling or pouring of water on one's head.
c) it must be by full immersion into water.                    (c)

18) In the Salvation Process, the absolute necessity and key element is the ____ ______ [what?]
(Holy Spirit)

19) What is true of the Holy Spirit as it relates to the Salvation Process:

a) it begets one as the son of God.
b) it strengthens them to face trials and tests.
c) it converts the mind.
d) changes one's direction in life.
e) it allows one to overcome problems and develop godly character.
f) it turns one from carnal to spiritual.
g) All the above.                                   (g)

20) The true Christian, in the Salvation Process has the seed of eternal life in them.  True or False?


21) As long as the Holy Spirit remains in a true Christian he or she is guaranteed eternal life.  True or False?  (True)

22) Once you have the Holy Spirit, you can never lose it.  True or False?  (False)

23) Once I am in the Salvation Process, it is impossible to fall from it.  True or False? 
(False, it can be lost by neglect or deliberate rejection)

24) Picking from these 4 words, fill in the blanks below [faith - justification - grace - sins]

a) Jesus was put to death for our ____ [which word?]
b) Jesus was raised for our __________ [which word?]         a) sins   b) justification

25) The whole salvation Process is a gift or favor from God.  Ephesians 2:8 refers to this as what five-letter word?   (grace)

26) The Salvation Process requires that we meet certain criteria...a certain standard.  True or False?

27) In the Salvation Process, which of the following is required:

a) have faith that God exists.
b) faith that God will perform all biblical promises.
c) faith that the death of Jesus Christ pays for the penalty for one's sins and reconciles us to God.
d) faith that the resurrection of Jesus will enable us to attain eternal life.
e) All of the above.                      (e)

28) Salvation is of grace and it can in no way be earned therefore I do not need to keep the Law.
True or False?   (False, read Matthew 19:17, 16:27 and Revelation 22:12)

29) Must we keep the commandments as part of the Salvation Process?  Yes or No?   (Yes)

30) Right now God is calling:

a) just a few.
b) many.
c) millions
d) everyone                  (a)

31) Today, this lifetime is the only day of salvation.  True or False?  (False)

32) Everyone who has ever lived will have an opportunity at eternal life.  True or False?  (True)

33) Salvation is by grace, through faith, not earned by obedience, but dependant upon obedience.  True or False?  (True)

34) The degree of our ultimate reward will be according to our works.  True or False?  (True)

35) The Salvation Process is complete when...

a) we are called by God.
b) when we receive the Holy Spirit.
c) only after much testing and overcoming of sin.
d) when we are changed to spirit.                    (d)

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