Passover paper - Figuring the Month of Abib

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SUBJECT: Figuring the month of Abib (Nisan) in modern times

QUESTION: In Biblical times the priesthood determined the month of Abib. How is it figured today?


For decades, the church has depended upon the Hebrew Calendar, which is figured far, far, in advance based upon astronomical cycles measured over many hundreds of years. There is no priesthood today. We are not priesthood. Therefore, we (that includes the old Church of God (7th day)), the Radio Church of God, the Worldwide Church under my father and all the original leaders, (Including myself), the CGI and now the ICG, have always adhered to the dates published in the Hebrew Calendar. The seasonal variations are not so abrupt as to be "surprising," and requiring the declaration on an "ad hoc" basis that "this year is an uncommon year" by the Jews.

Remembering Josiah's reforms, and the "observing" of the Days of Unleavened bread following the alternate Pass-over, and then tacking on "yet seven other days" is important to remember. God BLESSED them, NOT because they were precisely within "holy time:" but because of their HEARTS and their intent. The point is, that it is up to the church to decide, and set the places and dates for holy day observance, not for individuals.

The church has put extensive study into the calendar using the Hebrew encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition) and all the other sources.