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Basically, two classes of theory have been devised to account for the universe. Both have one central purpose - to get rid of God. The Steady State theory claims the universe had no beginning. It always has been here. It's a very convenient theory. But it has major problems. It contradicts too many fundamental laws of the universe and too many direct observations. Proponents of this theory claim hydrogen atoms are being spontaneously "created" in space. Of course this claim could never be calculated or observed physically. But evolutionists ask us to believe it on faith.


Suppose a believer in the Bible claimed that the following scripture reveals the answer for the origin of matter and the universe: "By faith we understand that the world was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear" (Heb. 11:3). Scientists would cry, "Superstition!" "Heresy!" "Myth!" The verse simply states God created matter out of substances we do not see. Astronomers say this can't be true. But in the name of science, they ask you to believe that matter comes from nothing; was not shaped by anyone; and has accidentally taken on great design and lawfulness. Yet the Steady State theory of the continuous creation of matter, violates one of the basic foundational principles of physics, the law of conservation of matter - energy. This law is known as the First Law of Thermodynamics - one of the pillars of true science, which states energy can be transformed, but it cannot be created or destroyed. Matter cannot, of its own, come into existence. Since the Steady State theory attempts to defy this law, it has been piled on the trash heap of history where it rightfully belongs.


A Belgian scientist in 1931 proposed that the universe originated from a single stupendous primeval "atom" which exploded. But one author asks: "The really big question is, of course: how could a huge atom like this form and where did it come from?" (The Mystery Of The Expanding Universe). A more prominent "Big Bang" theory was put forth by George Gamow. In this theory, Gamow speculated a huge primordial cloud contained a "soup" of all the fundamental particles within one atom. At a sudden moment, there was a huge explosion that (within minutes - by a chain reaction) formed all the elements of the universe. Then, allegedly, hydrogen and all the other elements came into existence.


But here is where the Gamow "Big Bang" theory fails, and physicists know it. The next element after helium could not be formed in this way. One article stated, "There was a tendency to reject the above model [Gamow's theory], and to make the half joking remark that Gamow's theory is a wonderful way to build up the elements all the way to helium" (Science, Relativistic Astrophysics). Lithium, the next element after helium is so unstable that it immediately breaks down back into helium. So here is the massive problem - you couldn't get the other 100 odd known elements to be produced.


If the "Big Bang" theory were true, all of these galaxies would be speeding into space - away from where the so-called "bang" occurred. But the closest galaxy to our own Milky Way is the Andromeda, which is being drawn closer to us. Does that seem strange? It should, because if there was a "Big Bang" everything should be heading out in the same direction. Yet here we see 2 galaxies traveling toward one another, which in turn are being pulled toward the Virgo supercluster of galaxies, which are all being pulled toward the Great Attractor, which contains more than 5000 galaxies.


The existence of hydrogen in the universe proves it had a starting time otherwise there would be no hydrogen left in the universe. Of all the elements, it is the most abundant. "Hydrogen is steadily being converted into other elements by processes that seem irreversible. We must, therefore, suppose that it has a finite age, for if it had existed for an infinite time, it should have been all used up by now" (The New Astronomy).


Swedish physicist Oskar Mein claims the existence of antimatter portends doom for the current theories of the origin of the universe. "Obviously, if antimatter exists on a large scale, the current theories of the history of the universe - the big bang theory and the steady state theory fall by the wayside. If the original nucleus had contained antimatter as well as matter, it would have annihilated itself, the big bang would have been a too big bang" (Antimatter and Cosmology). It's only a matter of time before the so-called "Big Bang" theory will also be thrown out on the trash heap of history.


Astronomers still need someone to tell them what happened in the beginning of the universe. But, unfortunately, they have refused to acknowledge the Personality that could easily, quickly and simply tell them the facts. If the universe is 8 to 12 billion years old, there is no conflict with the Bible because the time gap between the first 2 verses of Genesis allows for that. Strange as it may seem, atheistic science stands guilty of the very thing for which it accuses Creationists. It stands guilty of incredible dogmatism - repeated insistence on doctrines not proved - not tested - not observed; and it stands guilty of clinging to some of the most ancient superstitions ever to be hatched in the demented minds of philosophers of dim ages past - that this material creation "evolved" by accident, and that man come from animals. Dr. Wernher von Braun, NASA director and "father of the American Space Program" stated, "Manned space flight is an amazing achievement, but it has opened for mankind thus far only a tiny door for viewing the awesome reaches of space. An outlook through this peephole at the vast mysteries of the universe should only confirm our belief in the certainty of its Creator." The origin of the universe is no mystery. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen. 1:1).

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