The Salvation Process--Explanation of Galatians 3:24-25  [card 5 of Salvation Process series]
Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. -Gal 3:24-25

How does the Law bring us to Christ?  How are we justified by faith?  What is the faith here?  What does it mean, "we are no longer under the schoolmaster"?  Is the Law done away with?  What does it mean to be led by the Spirit.

When one is called by God (John 6:44), they are called to repentance of all past sin, to baptism to picture that death and resurrection in Christ and into the lifelong Salvation Process.

When one is in the Salvation Process, he or she is being led by the Spirit. They are invoking the power of that Spirit in the form of Godly Principles (love, joy, peace, honesty, longsuffering, against such there is not law.

Now, how do we demonstrate the relationship between being under the Law and being led by the Spirit? Let us take the Godly principle of "Honesty". We have commandments that state:

1) Thou shalt not lie and  2) Thou shalt not steal

These are Laws and sin is the transgression of the Law.   If one with the Holy Spirit, in the Salvation Process slips and sins, the law is there to let him or her know that a Law has been transgressed.


The Salvation Process - Explanation of Galatians 3:24-25
Say you develop the habit of Honesty, a Godly principle; a fruit of the Spirit.  If this is your habit and as long as it is your habit, you are no longer under the Laws against stealing and lying.  You are no longer under the Law.

We conclude a number of things:

1] Godly Calling leads one to repentance, baptism and entrance into the Salvation Process.
2] The Law leads us to Godly principles, a chief element of the Salvation Process.
3] The Law leads us to Christ, who is the embodiment of all Godly principles.
4] Being "in the faith" means being in the Salvation Process.
5] We are justified as long as we remain in the Salvation Process.
6] In the Salvation Process we develop Godly principles into habits and thus build character.
7] As long as we invoke Godly principles we are no longer under the schoolmaster...the Law.

Now if one is Honest, do we do away with the Laws against lying and stealing? Answer: OF COURSE NOT. As long as we are human, EVEN IN THE SALVATION PROCESS, we are subject to sin. When we slip and sin [lie or steal], within that Salvation Process, the Law is there to show us, once again, that sins have been committed.  The same Law leads us back to Honesty.   This leads us to immediate repentance and we move forward in the Salvation Process. We always need the Law.  Being "led by the Spirit" is being led by Law to Godly principle which is Christ.

Thus, the relationship between the Law and being led by the Spirit is understood.

                                                                                                             Instructions:  Print this page.  Cut out cards.  Affix to both sides of 4x6 card stock.

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