Chain-Referencing - Card 3: Baptism | |
1. |
We must first believe Christ's gospel to be baptized.- Mark 1:14-15 |
2. |
We must believe in Jesus Christ as our God and Savior.- Acts 8:35-38 |
3. |
We must repent before we are baptized & receive God's Spirit and salvation. - Acts 2:37-38 |
4. |
Christ's ministry began with the preaching of repentance. - Matt. 4:17 |
5. |
We must "count the cost" before we are baptized. Before Baptism, one must repent of a life of living for one's self and turn to a life of serving Christ. - Lk 14:25-35 |
6. |
Baptism is a symbolic burial of the "old man" and a resurrection to a new life in obedience to Christ. - Rom. 6:3-13 |
7. |
We are symbolically buried with Christ in Baptism and resurrected with Christ as we come out of the water. - Col. 2:12-13 |
8. |
Immersion (covered completely with water) is necessary. The Greek word for baptize is baptizo, which means to immerse or plunge into. Obviously only a complete immersion in water could fulfill the symbolism of a spiritual burial. - John 3:23 |
9. |
Christ was immersed. - Matt. 3:16 |
Chain-Referencing - Card 3: Baptism | |
10. |
Philip immersed the Ethiopian Eunuch. - Acts 8:38-39 |
11. |
Laying on of hands after baptism instituted to receive God's Spirit. - Acts 8:14-17 |
12. |
Laying on of hands after baptism. - Acts 19:1-6 |
13. |
Baptism should be done as soon as possible. Paul's example. -Acts 22: 12-16 |
14. |
Baptism should not be delayed. Example of Philippian jailer and his house. - Acts 16:25-33 |
15. |
Baptism is commanded. - Acts 10:44-48 |
16. |
Baptism was to be performed by Christ's Disciples. We are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. - Matt. 29:19-20 |
17. |
Doctrine of Baptisms - one of the 6 basic doctrines. - Heb. 6:1-2 |
18. |
Symbolic Baptism -Israel baptized in the sea. - 1 Cor 10:1-2 |
19. |
Symbolic Baptism -The flood. - 1 Pet. 3:20-21 |
20. |
Symbolic Baptism - Baptism of fire. - Matt. 3:11; Rev. 20:14 and 2 Pet. 3:10 |
Instructions: Print this page. Cut out cards. Affix to both sides of 4x6 card stock.