How Lovely Are Thy
Dwellings Psalm 84, Dwight Armstrong GUITAR: Key of G VERSE 1G (D -G) Am D G D7 G How love-ly are Thy dwel-lings, O E-ter-nal Lord of Hosts, B7 G Em A7 D7 My soul is long-ing, faint-ing for Thee, O liv-ing God, G D D7 G Yea, the bird has found its home, built a nest to lay her young, C (C#dim7) G C G D7 G O that I may find Thine al-tars, My Lord, my King, my God!
VERSE 2 G (D -G) Am D G D7 G How love-ly are Thy dwel-lings, O E-ter-nal Lord of Hosts, B7 G Em A7 D7 For those who dwell in Thy house shall ev-er sing Thy praise, G D D7 G Blest and hap-py is the man, who has found his strength in Thee, C (C#dim7) G C G D7 G He is strong-er day by day, And shall in Zi-on dwell.
VERSE 3 G (D -G) Am D G D7 G How love-ly are Thy dwel-lings, O E-ter-nal Lord of Hosts, B7 G Em A7 D7 Give ear un-to my pray-er, O God of Is-ra-el, G D D7 G For a day with Thee is bet-ter, than a thou-sand oth-er days, C (C#dim7) G C G D7 G O that I may find Thine al-tars, My Lord, my King, my God. |